2007 Steam School. Since the 2001 school, John Johnson has generously provided photos of each year's school. This year student Frank DeWitt provided several photos as well. John Johnson also generously provided captions for these photos.
Pre Show Setup, Steam Traction Engines, Featured - Trucks Other Tractors. Photos by Jacob Merriwether.The 2007 Threshermen's Reunion was blessed with good weather (other than a downpour on Friday afternoon) and comfortable temperatures.
Shovels, Steam Games, Tractor Games, Tractor Pull, Railroads, Threshing, Saw Mill, Pedal Pull. Photos by Jacob Merriwether. A large contingent of antique trucks were present as this year's featured exhibit.
Parade of Power, Stationary Steam, Med/Lrg Gas Engines, Small Gas Engines, Models, General Scenes. Photos by Jacob Merriwether. This year we have added a few photos taken the Monday before the reunion to show some of the volunteers setting up for the event.