2006 Spring Steam Up. Photos by Bill Glenn. Spring Steam-Up is a special event each year at Rough and Tumble. It's time to get the steam engines out of hibernation and fire them up. Better yet, it is plowing season, and this year we had beautiful weather and excellent soil conditions.
May 2006 IHCC Show and Pull. Photos by Jacob Merriwether. While Saturday's weather looked threatening in the morning, the third annual IHCC Chapter 8 Show and Pull ended up with a beautiful day for the tractor pull. There were also many other makes of tractors on hand active in the pull.
2006 Waterloo Boys John Deere Show. Photos by Jacob Merriwether. The 2006 John Deere Show was threatened by rain, most of which fell at night, but all events were held in clear weather. Many tractors were exhibited and "exercised" in the parade and pulls. A special thanks to John Sitch for photos.
Steam Traction Engines, Featured - MM & Twin City Other Tractors, 1918-1920 Republic Truck, Shovels - Earth Moving, Steam Games. Photos by Jacob Merriwether. This year's Threshermen's Reunion was blessed with four days of good weather with little precipitation and comfortable temperatures.
Tractor Games, Tractor Pull, Railroads, Threshing, Saw Mill Parade of Power. Photos by Jacob Merriwether.A large contingent of antique Minneapolis Moline tractors were present with many exhibited by members of the Moline Gold Collectors Association.
Pedal Pull, Stationary Steam, Med/Lrg Gas Engines, Small Gas Engines, Models, General Scenes. We started with over 2,500 photographs of this Reunion, many contributed by Bill Glenn and some by Steve Berkoski, and ended up with 375 posted photos.
October Time of Harvest show. Rough and Tumble's 2006 Time of Harvest was held October 13 and 14. Many thanks to Bill Glenn for contributing all of the photos for this album.