Spring Steam-Up. Photos by Jacob Merriwether. It's time to get the steam engines out of hibernation and fire them up. Better yet, it is plowing season, and this year we had beautiful weather and excellent soil conditions. Both steam and gas powered tractors were seen plowing in the fields by R & T.
Steam School 2005. Photos by John Johnson. Since the 2001 school, John Johnson has generously provided photos of each year's school.
2006 Steam School. Photos by John Johnson. Our Photo Albums section has photos of R & T's popular Steam School since the 2000 school, for which we have considerable descriptive material as well as over 100 photos. Since the 2001 school, John Johnson has generously provided photos.
May 2005 IHCC Show and Pull held at Rough and Tumble. Photos by Jacob Merriwether. Other than the rain shortened Saturday Tractor Pull, the second annual IHCC Chapter 8 Show and Pull was a huge success. There were also many other makes of tractors on hand, some which participated in the tractor pull
2005 John Deere Show. Photos by Jacob Merriwether. The 2005 John Deere Show was blessed with great weather, a wonderful collection of John Deere tractors and implements, and many fun events.
Steam Traction Engines, Featured - Gravely, Featured - Home-Built, Other Tractors, Shovels, Steam Games, Tractor Games. Photos by Jacob Merriwether. This year's Threshermen's Reunion was blessed with four days of good weather with little precipitation and comfortable temperatures.
Tractor Pull, Railroads, Threshing, Saw Mill, Parade of Power. Photos by Jacob Merriwether. A large contingent of antique Gravely tractors were present as part of the annual "Mow-In" of the Gravely Tractor Club of America.
Pedal Pull, Med/Lrg Gas Engines, Stone Crusher, Small Gas Engines, Models, General Scenes. Photos by Jacob Merriwether. The other "featured tractor" was a bizarre collection of home-built tractors and some commercial tractors that could be classified as "oddball". We started with over 1,900 photos.
2005 Time of Harvest. Photos by Bill Glenn. Rough and Tumble's 2005 Time of Harvest was decimated by a very rainy weekend. While the event was cancelled, those who came anyway did have an opportunity to see several indoor exhibits and participate in some kids activities.